Saturday, July 14, 2012

The Adventures of Shark Girl in Jiu Jitsu Land


  1. Why wouldn't a dude like that just go super light and easy!? I would in that situation.

    Is he an "I-don't-know-my-own-strength" type?

    Bummer for you; sorry. Good luck reattaching your head.

    1. Hi D,
      I don't know, but you would be surprised at how many do not. Perhaps it is because I am such a wildcat--it is the only way they feel they can contain me? : )
      Actually, I think some players get used to rolling a certain way and have trouble adjusting. Especially if they usually rely on strength rather than technique, it is hard for them to tone it down. But I could be wrong. This is one of the unsolved mysteries of jiu jitsu.
      Thank you for your kind words about my head.

  2. Hahahahahaaha!! Awesome post. I think all of your updates should now come with supplemental comic strips.

    1. Spoken like someone who has also had her head popped off! : )

  3. I feel the need to apologize all behalf of all men... sorry he was so oblivious! That sucks. I wish people would pay attention (and by "people" I mean muscle-head guys).

    On a positive note, your comic strip does a great job of exemplifying a positive attitude despite your negative experience :D

    1. You didn't even mention my stellar artistic abilities... : )

      Being truthful, there are some large gentlemen that I roll with that consciously work their technique with me. I find those joyful rolls, ones that I can really get something out of.


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